
The Information Communication & Technology (ICT) Department develops and maintains the organizations infrastructure which includes digital office equipment and the networking equipment, operating systems and servers. The department maintains an array of financial business systems. The department understands the importance and the value of having access to reliable information. Its main responsibilities include:
• Manage the organization’s hardware, software and physical communication
• Provide a source of guidance for technology issues for staff and associated organizations
•Maintain information security and availability
•Provide a corporate perspective on information technology initiatives
•Supply the guidance and infrastructure to deliver meaningful information.
This department is headed by the Systems administrator.

The Marketing department supervises and directs the workflow of marketing, advertising or public relations specialists by assigning job tasks, facilitating interdepartmental communications and managing external communications.
Their expertise allows them to allocate company resources to maximize collaboration, efficiency and creativity in the building and maintenance of consistent branding or corporate identity across marketing and public relations channels. They’re also responsible for staying up to date on industry trends.
This department is headed by the Marketing Manager

The credit department forms a critical unit of our day to day operations. It is the core and the background of the society and the primary source of the society’s income. The department is further divided into two sections. a) Growth b) Administration The growth section is basically involved in the growth of the Loan portfolio, perfection of the Loan collateral and lodgment of the securities. The credit Administration section deals with the post disbursement of the loans. The section is primarily involved in ensuring the quality of the loan book and stemming the migration to NPL through constant follow up of loans disbursed. Both sections are managed by a section Head due to the importance and the unique role the department plays on daily operations and income generations

Internal Auditing is an independent appraisal activity for the review of the accounting, financial and other operations of an organization as a service to Management. The unit helps to provide managerial control and is designed to add value to and improve the quality of the organization’s entire operations.
The role of internal audit is to provide independent assurance that an organization’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively. We have a professional duty to provide an unbiased and objective
The internal audit activity helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.

The Customer service department is the entry point for clients who need to engage the organization with their questions and concerns. Although multiple roles and teams are required to interact with and support the Customer Service function, the majority of the processes and activities within it are performed by a functional customer experience team .The team and just like any other team, can be centralized, distributed, or virtual. The department helps to resolve customer complaints via phone, email, mail, or social media and Use telephones to reach out to customers and verify account information. The team operates as a functional unit that focuses on ensuring that customer service–related activities are carried out with high quality service and customer retention.
The team is headed by the Customer Services Manager

Accounts department provides accounting services and manages the finances of a company. Its responsibilities include: recording accounts, paying bills, preparation of financial statements and reports, tracking the company`s assets and liabilities, managing payroll and keeping track of critical tax documents. The department help ensure full transparency in the company`s financial transactions, while also providing specialized, centralized support to other departments. Quality financial management can help ensure the ongoing health of the business. The department plays an important role in the preparation of the company`s budget and projection of future cash flows. The department is headed by the Accountant.